Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Holiday Pet Safety Tips

As a responsible and compassionate pet owner, the safety of your adored animal will undoubtedly be a priority all year round, and the holiday season is no exception. In fact, Thanksgiving and Christmas pose some particular challenges when it comes to the safety, health, and happiness of our pets. To help make sure the season runs smoothly for you and your animals, here are our top holiday pet safety tips.
Christmas Tree Awareness
The focal point of most homes, the Christmas tree is something of an institution. However, it also poses some risks to your pet. Cats are known to climb them, and both they and dogs are capable of toppling them over and being hurt in the process. You should also take care that your pet doesn’t drink the tree water, as it is guaranteed to be full of bacteria which could make your furbaby very sick.
Electrical Safety
When it comes to Christmas lights, the more the better seems to be a very popular opinion. Unfortunately, these lights come with wires which could be appealing for your pet to chew on, putting them at risk of electrical burns or shocks. An excited or inquisitive pet could also become tangled in them. Make sure that all wires are tidied away as much as possible or out of the reach of your pet’s paws.
Tinsel, Ornaments, and Wrapping
Other types of decoration can be dangerous to pets too. Tinsel is still very popular, but it is just as attractive to pets who may decide to play with and accidentally consume it. If swallowed, tinsel can cause an airway or intestinal blockage which could potentially be life-threatening. The same can be said for tree ornaments, ribbons, bows, and other wrappings. Some ornaments are sharp or easily broken, and these should be hung firmly out of reach.
Candles and Fires
An open fire is a wonderfully cozy and festive feature, but your pet may not be aware of the risk of coming too close. A fire guard is recommended to keep your furbaby at a safe distance. You should never leave an open flame unattended, whether it is a fire or candle. Since animals can easily knock into candles, it is best to avoid them altogether if you can or opt for flameless varieties. Otherwise, you could be at risk of a house fire, and your pet in danger of being badly burnt.
Festive Food
Eating and drinking are two of the favorite activities of many people over Christmas, and given the opportunity, your pet would almost certainly like to indulge too. As tempting as it might be, it is important to ensure that you don’t share human foods with your furbaby – they aren’t good for animals and some substances could make them very sick. Chocolate, candy, garlic, onion, nuts, grapes and raisins, fatty or salty foods, and alcoholic and caffeinated drinks are all particularly toxic to pets. Make sure that any food waste is securely disposed of and be certain to let your guests know not to feed your pets too.
No loving pet owner likes the thought of being separated from their furbaby, but the risk of this happening tends to increase over the holiday season. This is for several reasons. Firstly, the change in routine and unusual sights, sounds and smells can make anxious pets feel panicked, making them more likely to run away. Secondly, when you are busy with the festivities, people are more likely to leave doors and windows open, providing the perfect opportunity for any curious pets to escape. By far the best way to increase the likelihood of you being reunited with your pet is to get them microchipped in a simple, straightforward and inexpensive procedure that sees your personal details permanently secured to your pet by way of a microchip implanted in their body. If your pet already has a microchip, make sure the details are up to date ahead of the holiday season!