Internal medicine services are provided in-hospital by our internal medicine specialist, Dr. Minuto. Internal medicine services include diagnosis and management of gastrointestinal, respiratory, muscular, and nervous system diseases, heart or circulatory disease, kidney or bladder disease, liver disease, poor performance or loss of stamina, infectious disease, endocrine disorders, and diseases of the neonatal or young foal. Also, subtle problems such as weight loss, an overall change in attitude, behavior, or performance may be evaluated by our internal medicine service. We offer 24-hour intensive care for horses with close monitoring and around-the-clock therapy, as well as a state-of-the-art isolation facility that allows us to quarantine and treat patients with suspected infectious diseases. Our veterinarians often collaborate with other veterinarians in the field and in-hospital to best diagnose and treat difficult diseases in sick horses and can help develop a comprehensive plan for your horse.
Services include:
- Intensive care unit monitoring
- Ultrasound
- Gastroscopy and Intestinal biopsy
- Respiratory and Urogenital Endoscopy
- Pulmonary testing
- Neurologic exams
- Standing CSF collection
- Myelogram
- Neonatal care
- Echocardiography/ECG
- Endocrine testing (PPID “Cushings,” Metabolic Syndrome)
- Muscle biopsy
- Nutritional consultation
- Ultrasound-guided biopsy
- Isolation for infectious disease
- Assessment of eye and skin disorders
- Radiographs, Nuclear Scintigraphy, and Standing MRI