Cave Creek, AZ 85331
Past Interns
Past Interns
Dr.'s Emily Hadaway, Megan Knoell, & Haley Safnuk 2015-2016

- Dr. Hadaway accepted an associate's position in her hometown of Georgia at a mixed animal practice.
- Dr. Knoells headed back to New York where she accepted an equine associates position.
- Dr. Safnuk returned home to Canada and is pursuing an equine associates position.
Dr.'s Elyse Durket, Alison Forbes, & Catherine Ziegler 2014-2015

- Dr. Elyse Durket was accepted at The University of Florida for a Surgical Internship and we have just found out recently that she has not been accepted to a Surgical Residency position at Iowa State University.
- Dr. Alison Forbes accepted an equine ambulatory position in the Mississippi.
- Dr. Catherine Ziegler is pursuing her acupuncture certification.
Dr.'s Shane Dennis and Dr. Erin Hisrich 2013-2014
- Dr. Dennis has decided to pursue another surgical internship and pursue a residency for 2015-2016.
- Dr. Hisrich has taken a position in a private practice in Northern Arizona.
Dr.'s Tyler Sweeney and Darla Moser 2012-2013

- Dr. Sweeney moved back to Virginia where is is originally from and is currently working at his hometown practice.
- Dr. Moser moved to Oklahoma to start her Surgical Residency and move towards becoming a Board Certified Surgeon.
Dr.'s Jennifer Burroughs and Bridget Bourke 2011-2012
Dr.'s Elyse Dunphy and Kristen Caslowe 2010-2011

Dr.'s Katie Harrington and Martha Ullman 2009-2010

Dr.'s Tiffany Schmidt and Lauren Jacobsen 2008-2009
Dr.'s Tiffany Schmidt and Amy Maddin 2007-2008

Dr.'s Erica Wallace and Gordan Vergason 2006-2007

Dr. Stacy Tinkler 2005-2006

After completion of her internship Dr. Tinkler went to work for a equine ambulatory practice for a few years then went into a Large Animal Internal Medicine residency and became a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in 2011.
Dr. Kimberly Gryl 2004-2005

Dr. Gryl is a 2004 graduate of the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. She joined our facility Chaparral Animal Hospital in June 2004 (now Chaparral Veterinary Medical Center), where she completed a 1-year Internship in Equine Medicine and Surgery and has been one of our associate veterinarians ever since. Dr. Gryl enjoys all aspects of Equine practice and has a special interest in dentistry including extractions and fillings. She loves the Ambulatory side of practice where she can visit with the animals and see them in their home environment
Mission Statement
"We have a commitment as a team to improve ourselves both personally and
professionally so that we may better serve our patients by providing quality
veterinary care."
Our Slogan:
"Partners for Life"
Our Motto:
"Expect Excellence"

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